Saturday, 30 March 2013

What to wear to...

Onsite visits......
Imagine this:
You are an engineer and you must visit customers in their premises...which means you have to go to a desalination plant/waste water treatment plant/any type of inside-outside combo plant that engineers usually visit....
At the same time you need to look professional, you want to look stylish and combine this with being fashionable (on a budget since you are still young and you are not rewarded for the amount of time you put in this business).
It all about wearing "the structured shirt"
Combined with simple black Zara legging/jeggins
And finishing the look with all stars since you have to keep your ballerinas for the office
The good thing is you can still wear a cute necklace and earring but i will save that for another post.

Little Miss

p.s. Special thanks to Zara once more....despite the fact that i think they should thank me :p

Sunday, 17 March 2013

Twinkle twinkle little star

This is the dream kids' room from my point of view:
by Zara Home of course (hey Zara peeps.....i think you should pay me big bucks :p)

Little Miss

p.s. The cutest little people i know (my niece and twin nephews) sing this song all the time.


This is (maybe) the best guilty midnight snack you can treat yourself with!
The ingredients are so simple:
Fresh bread
Barbecue flavored chips

My sis and i ate it last night....yeap.....its one of the best Saturday night snacks you can have!

Little Miss

Happy Moments

Life's little happy moments are what we are waking up for everyday...
Here's what i recorded as happy in my life the last few weeks.

I get to enjoy lots and lots of sunshine every morning while i drive to work.
Then I saw the new Zara Home window....oh my goofness! I nephews and niece really really need those little furniture!
Take a closer look!

I had kebab with my mom and i noticed the most jealous-worthy floor...
(yeah, thats my new MANGO ballerinas)
Royal blue eyeliner will always make me smile
I've sewed some studs on my all stars just because i thought i should :p

Little Miss